Shipping and return policies for TransubstansRecords

Shipping Info
Quantity Weight(g) Price
1 CD 250 48 sek
2 - 4 CD 500 80 sek
5 - 8 CD 1000 150 sek
9 - 16 CD 2000 225 sek

The rest of the world:

Quantity Weight(g) Price
1 CD 250 60 sek
2 - 4 CD 500 90 sek
5 - 8 CD 1000 180 sek
9 - 16 CD 2000 270 sek

Because of varying weights of items of similar formats we offer these rates as approximate rates only and the actual cost may be higher.
Return Policy
Return info:

If an item is damaged or lost during transportation. This must be brought to our attention within 7 days. If the item is damaged or lost while you are sending it back to us, you are responsible. Please bear in mind that in most of the cases, concerning lost letters, that there is often a reason why it is delayed. Once it is handled over to the post service, it is out of control, so before start yelling at us, please have patience, and check with your local post office if they have your parcel. In 80 % of the cases, the parcel is undelivered for various reasons and returned to us after 30 days. If the parcel is lost, it is not our responsiblility to replace the items. It is up to each customer to register the parcel. If the parcel was registered, we can help and trace it, but we can not be responsible if the post looses your parcel. Please e mail for advice if you are unsecure how to proceed.